Khonshu is not the only victim – LLODO

In Egyptian culture, Ushabti are small statues buried with the deceased, acting as guardians or servants of the deceased in the afterlife. Entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), ushabti is also used by powerful gods to seal other gods.

The fourth episode of Moon Knight, which aired on April 20, revealed that besides Khonshu, there are many gods also imprisoned in ushabti statues by the Ennead god order. Based on the close-up images at the end of the credits, we can easily identify the identities of the gods who are suffering the same fate as Khonshu.


The Egyptian gods sealed in Moon Knight: Khonshu are not the only victims - Photo 1.

Ushabti of Anubis is located at the top of the “captive wall”, and is also the most recognizable statue, with the characteristic dog head shape of the Egyptian god of death. The fact that Anubis was sealed is probably part of the reason why Arthur Harrow and Ammit can freely play monsters, freely judge the sins of people, and kill them without hesitation.

In Egyptian mythology, Anubis were those who judged souls by the scales of their hearts with a feather. If the hearts were heavier, they would be deemed unworthy and become food for Ammit. With Anubis no longer in control, Ammit is free to judge and freely consume souls at will.


The Egyptian gods sealed in Moon Knight: Khonshu are not the only victims - Photo 2.

Bes’ Ushabti is located in the lower left corner and is not too difficult to identify, given its characteristic small stature. In Egyptian mythology, Bes is considered the guardian god of families, a symbol of luck, fortune and auspicious things. In addition, he is also closely related to Taweret – the god of fertility who looks like a hippo, and is also a character appearing in the ending of episode 4 Moon Knight (you can learn more here. ). In many versions, Bes is married (or partnered) with Taweret, as both are guardians of children and mothers.


The Egyptian gods sealed in Moon Knight: Khonshu are not the only victims - Photo 3.

Heqet’s Ushabti is in the bottom right corner of the wall. Similar to Taweret, she is also the goddess of fertility, in charge of the last moments of the birth process. In Egypt, she was known as the “midwife goddess”, and the ancient midwives were often considered “servants of Heqet”. In addition, Heqet is also in charge of “making” the human body, and is also the wife of the god Khnum (see below).


The Egyptian gods sealed in Moon Knight: Khonshu are not the only victims - Photo 4.

Khepri’s Ushabti is located in the bottom right corner, and only appears briefly on the screen. Throughout the first 4 episodes of Moon Knight, the image of a scarab has continuously appeared, the most important of which is the talisman that can lead the way to Ammit’s tomb. Based on the hieroglyphs, it can be seen that this talisman actually belongs to Khepri – the god of the early Sun, who is in charge of “pulling” the sun up before it is placed in the sky. Khepri is also associated with rebirth. That is why monks often place scarab amulets next to the deceased, in the hope that they can be reincarnated.


The Egyptian gods sealed in Moon Knight: Khonshu are not the only victims - Photo 5.

Khnum’s Ushabti is located directly to the left of Khonshu’s statue. He is the god of savior, responsible for creating and shaping humanity on a ceramic turntable. Khnum is also known as the “Divine Potter” because he has molded other gods.


The Egyptian gods sealed in Moon Knight: Khonshu are not the only victims - Photo 6.

Wadjet’s Ushabti is located to the right of the statue of Anubis. She is an Egyptian earth goddess, often acting as a messenger of Ra (the sun god). That is why she is nicknamed “The Eye of Ra” (or “the eye of Horus”, because Horus’ right eye represents the sun god).


The Egyptian gods sealed in Moon Knight: Khonshu are not the only victims - Photo 7.

Neith’s Ushabti is located directly above the Khonshu statue. She is the goddess of war, weaving, as well as the creator of the world and is considered the mother of all Egyptian gods. Neith often appears when people need to resolve major conflicts, or when the dispute has become too intense. Ironically, when the animosity between Khonshu and Ammit reached its peak, Neith was unable to come to the peace because she was sealed away for unknown reasons.

If you pay close attention, you will realize that the above gods have a role to protect humanity in many different aspects and aspects. Khonshu was imprisoned in ushabti because he almost revealed his identity to the divine world, and most recently used his own power to change the sky. However, the reason why the Ennead sealed the remaining gods is still a mystery to this day. Are they really fair or not? Or is there a greater evil force lurking in the dark and waiting for the day to destroy all human guardian gods? The most accurate answer will probably be revealed in the last 2 episodes of Moon Knight, or in the future projects of the MCU.

According to CBR

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