My parents arent here now. I want to share this triumph with them.

  • Question:

    My parents aren’t here now. I want to share this triumph with them.

    Reference explanation:

    Correct answer:

    Knowledge: Conditional Sentences


    If only + S + V-past perfect: if only… => wish contrary to the past

    If + S + V-simple present, S + V-simple present => present reality

    S + wish + V-past simple: wish… => wish contrary to present

    As long as + S + V: as long as…

    My parents are not here now. I want to share this victory with them.

    A. Wrong wish (must use the opposite of the present)

    B. Wrong conditional sentence (must use type 2)

    C. I wish my parents were here now, so I could share this victory with them.

    D. As long as my parents are here, they will be able to share this victory with me. => wrong meaning

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