Scarlet Witch’s 10 Strongest Enemies Rank – LLODO

Given the Scarlet Witch’s power, it’s not uncommon for her enemies to be equally strong, and in many cases slightly more powerful. As an Avenger and member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Wanda Maximoff went up against the strongest of the strongest. And below is a ranking of the most formidable enemies of this sorceress.

10. Mystique

Ranking the 10 strongest enemies of Scarlet Witch - Photo 1.

Mystique is a mutant with the ability to shapeshift. A completely unknown background, Mystique is best known as the leader of the second generation of the Brotherhood of evil mutants. Although after the group disbanded, Mystique remained a dangerous person when acting independently.

Mystique is one of the most likely suspects in the Scarlet Witch murder, a character currently causing many questions in the limited series The Trial Of Magneto. Mystique is famous for her shape-shifting abilities and she can become anyone she wants.

Mystique’s shape-shifting abilities may have allowed her to impersonate Magneto and defeat Wanda.

9. Professor X

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Professor X is one of the most powerful psychics alive, with the ability through Cerebro to record the entire minds of mutants. Professor X used this ability against Wanda in the past when she was a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and an enemy of the X-Men.

8. Magneto

Ranking the 10 strongest enemies of Scarlet Witch - Photo 3.

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants alive, with complete control over magnetism. This power has allowed him to achieve incredible feats in the comics, from ripping all of Wolverine’s adamantium out of Wolverine’s body in the ’90s Fatal Attraction storyline to activating the core of Mars. recently.

This character and Scarlet Witch have often fought, the character is currently charged with murdering the sorceress, because of evidence that someone used metal to kill Wanda.

7. Immortus

Ranking the 10 strongest enemies of Scarlet Witch - Photo 4.

Immortus is one of the most powerful variants of Kang the Conqueror in the comics, and once manipulated the Scarlet Witch to try and achieve his ambitions of all-time domination. Immortus, a future version of Kang, possesses great knowledge of the future and alternate timelines, including the fact that Wanda is a Nexus with uncontrollable powers.

Armed with far-future technology, Immortus has destroyed entire timelines, slain other powerful Nexus Beings, and orchestrated events to direct Wanda to attack his teammates. Even if he failed, he could somehow come back stronger as himself or another variation of Kang.

6. Doctor Doom

Ranking the 10 strongest enemies of Scarlet Witch - Photo 5.

Comic book fans know Doctor Doom as one of the Fantastic Four’s most powerful villains, with genius-level intellect and technical talent. He’s also one of the Marvel Universe’s greatest wizards – which makes him all the more dangerous. Doctor Doom’s knowledge of magic found in several universes has made him one of the most powerful variants of Doctor Strange.

5. Agatha Harkness

Ranking the 10 strongest enemies of Scarlet Witch - Photo 6.

Agatha Harkness is one of the most powerful magicians in Marvel Comics. This character can cast magic on Scarlet Witch and make her forget her twin sons, Billy and Tommy, ever existed.

4. Thanos

Ranking the 10 strongest enemies of Scarlet Witch - Photo 7.

Thanos is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, and that was before the Infinity Gauntlet. Armed with a cosmic weapon, he can change reality and wipe out half of life with the snap of his fingers. Scarlet Witch survived the snap in the comic The Infinity Gauntlet but was later killed when she faced Thanos again.

Thanos is able to counter Wanda’s reality-altering powers with the Gauntlet on a cosmic scale. Without it, this villain would be extremely vulnerable to her range of powers.

3. Chthon

Ranking the 10 strongest enemies of Scarlet Witch - Photo 8.

Chthon, an entity, an ancient demon and the first practitioner of black magic on Earth, is the author of the book Darkhold. Chthon wrote all the knowledge he gathered into an iron-clad scroll and that was also the first form of the Darkhold.

Chthon is the source of Chaos Magic in the Marvel Universe, it is the root of Wanda’s great magical power. This ancient mystical entity was responsible for instructing her as a child in the use of magic while she was a Nexus Being. Chthon has the power to manipulate time and space, as well as control other beings.

2. Shuma-Gorath

Ranking the 10 strongest enemies of Scarlet Witch - Photo 9.

Shuma-Gorath is one of Doctor Strange’s most powerful villains and one of the scariest cosmic creatures in Marvel Comics. This creature can destroy an entire galaxy with a single thought. Scarlet Witch fought alongside other heroes to try to defeat the creature, as she did in The Spectacular Spider-Man #132.

Although Wanda and the synergy of the other heroes were able to defeat Shuma-Gorath and even kill him, the creature is immortal and always returns.

1. Mephisto

Ranking the 10 strongest enemies of Scarlet Witch - Photo 10.

Mephisto is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe. He can change time and space and disguise himself as anyone he wants. Mephisto is a supernatural being with immense power. Mephisto’s energy comes from human evil.


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