The perfect combination of the speed of DRAM and the storage capacity of an SSD – LLODO

The rapid development of technology has given us new chip fabrication techniques, faster SSDs, a wide range of applications of AI and machine learning. All contribute to improving and increasing the performance of modern computers.

Recently, a research team at Lancaster University, UK, continues to push these technologies to the next level with an invention called UltraRAM – the perfect combination between the best of RAM and SSD hard drive. . Basically, UltraRAM is a type of RAM that is extremely fast and does not erase data after shutdown.

British researchers invented UltraRAM: The perfect combination between the speed of DRAM and the storage capacity of SSDs - Photo 1.

UltraRAM will take advantage of the strongest points of DRAM and SSD (pictured).

Most of us are no stranger to SSD hard drives, and many computer products today are already equipped with this device because of the excellent reading and data storage speed it brings. SSDs use flash memory, which is capable of storing data and does not lose data when you turn off the computer. On the contrary, if you somehow store data in RAM, then those data will be lost when the computer shuts down or the battery suddenly runs out.

For this reason, RAM is usually only used to store data for a short time before they are processed. Whenever you open a file or a software on your computer, the data will be transferred from the SSD (or HDD) to the RAM for faster access. Of course, SSDs can also act as a replacement for RAM, but no one does, because even today’s fastest storage products can hardly match the speed of DRAM.

That’s why we use hard drive storage and RAM separately: One device helps us store data for months, even years, while the other possesses fast speed. Rather, it is possible to read and write data to the CPU in a flash, but all that data will “evaporate” when the power is off.

A report by scientists at Lancaster University shows that UltraRAM is a next-generation version of RAM that can completely solve the above problems and take full advantage of SSD and RAM: Speed: Speed and long term storage capacity. One day, this invention will serve as both a hard drive and memory for computers, and will be known by the common name “universal” memory.

British researchers invented UltraRAM: The perfect combination between the speed of DRAM and the storage capacity of SSDs - Photo 2.

UltraRAM will be the future of computers as well as other electronic devices.

The researchers said: “UltraRAM can store data for over 1000 years and is durable for more than 10^7 write/erase cycles, indicating that it is non-volatile and capable of long-term storage.“.

Essentially, UltraRAM takes advantage of the specific properties of semiconductors commonly used in LEDs and lasers to both create an excellent RAM/SSD fusion, and offer a low-cost mass production opportunity. relatively low. The researchers say that if successful, the most complete version could become extremely popular and be used in all types of devices today, from computers and smart watches to consoles or consoles. data owner. You can learn more about the Lancaster University research paper in this link.

It sounds promising, but we should not rejoice too soon, because this is not the first time researchers have tried to find a way to equip RAM with the best features of ROM in general and SSD in particular. Causes of previous failures include too high production costs, slower product speeds than expected, or product sizes that are too large to fit today’s computers.

According to Gizmodo luu-tru-cua-ssd-20220113114428523.chn


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