The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the same size as the last 10 minutes of the movie – LLODO

Up to now, episode 4 of the Moon Knight series can be considered as one of the most “brain hacking” projects that Marvel Studios has ever produced, with an ending that makes everyone bewildered and unable to distinguish what is real. Where is the dream. Besides, this episode also contains a lot of interesting details, not only are the easter eggs added for fun, but also have the effect of “teasing” for some characters and upcoming events of the series. Moon Knight and the MCU.

Anubis and Bes appeared in the archive of sealed gods

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 1.

Moon Knight’s opening sequence confirms Khonshu isn’t the only deity sealed in a tiny stone statue. This also partly explains why in the meeting in episode 3, some familiar names in Egyptian mythology were not present. If we look closely at this archive, we can see the statue of the god of death Anubis, and the dwarf Bes – who was an ally of Thor Odinson in the Marvel comics.

The beetle “teases” the appearance of another character

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 2.

The beetle played an important role in the first episodes of Moon Knight, and it’s not surprising that the insect returns in episode 4. This time, however, the beetle seems to be taking the initiative. follow Layla mysteriously and somewhat scary. This may be a detail that “clears the way” for the appearance of Scarlet Scarab, the protector of Egypt and always ready to fight the invaders of her homeland.

This is the second time Marvel Studios has included a goat in the Moon Knight series

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 3.

The first time we see goats on the small screen is in episode 2, when Steven Grant is taken to Arthur Harrow’s devout village. Most likely, these are the details foreshadowing the appearance of the Egyptian goat god Khnum in the future. In addition, in the new teaser for Thor: Love and Thunder, we can also see the thunder god’s sled goats have officially been brought to the silver screen. Whether there is a connection between these two movies, time will give us the most accurate answer.

Heka – Egyptian god of magic

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 4.

Deep into Ammit’s tomb, Steven and Layla accidentally encounter Heka – a reference to the Egyptian god of magic and his followers. In addition, in the Marvel comics, specifically the Mystic Arcana Magic #1 story chapter, we also have Heka-Nut, a magician with a shape similar to the TV version of Marvel Studios.

Conflicts between Layla and Marc Spector

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 5.

The Moon Knight series has repeatedly hinted that Marc Spector was involved in Layla’s father’s death, and the latest episode has confirmed this information. In it, Marc confessed that he was at the scene and witnessed his partner open fire and kill Abdullah El-Faouly.

This story is quite accurately adapted from the original, when Marc follows a mercenary named Bushman to an archaeological site, and it is Bushman who kills innocent people. Disagreeing with that action, Marc decided to betray his partner, and then he himself was killed and was saved by Khonshu. In the next 2 episodes of Moon Knight, perhaps we will explore this story more deeply.

Moon Knight “clears the way” to welcome Zeus to the MCU

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 6.

After all, Steven Grant accidentally discovered the secret that Alexander the Great was actually an avatar of Ammit, and his lost tomb was the place he was looking for. In the original, Alexander the Great still claims to be the son of Zeus – the supreme god of Greece and will appear in Thor: Love and Thunder with the acting talent of Russell Crowe.

Besides, the appearance of Alexander the Great (or more precisely, his corpse) may also have a connection with Kang the Conqueror – the leading candidate for the main villain role of the MCU in the early phases. next. In the Marvel comics, Kang once considered the Former King of Macedonia as the main inspiration for his plot to sweep and invade the worlds.

The end of episode 4 Moon Knight is actually an illusion, and we have a whole series of comics to prove it.

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 7.

You can dig deeper in this article.

All the characters who appeared in the previous episodes of Moon Knight are back in the ending of episode 4

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 8.

Set in a mysterious mental hospital, these characters all take on a whole new role. We have patients including Donna, Steven Grant’s boss at the British Museum; Crawley, the fictional artist Steven often talks to; and finally Layla. Bobbi and Billy, two police officers who once escorted Steven to Arthur Harrow’s residence, play the role of a hospital nurse, while Arthur himself becomes the main doctor treating Marc.

Number B-22 in the game Bingo

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 9.

This detail is probably related to a comic chapter with the cover art showing the appearance of all 3 personalities in Moon Knight. Previously, the Marvel Studios series has continuously “teased” about the existence of Jake Lockley – the 3rd personality of Marc Spector, and who is likely to officially appear in the next episode.

Many small details scattered throughout the series appear in this mental hospital, making it impossible for Marc to distinguish the real from the fake.

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 10.

We have the Rubik’s Cube that Steven used to fiddle with every night to keep himself awake. A little trivia, Oscar Isaac, the actor who plays Moon Knight, is very adept at assembling 3×3 rubiks.

Donna hugs a scarab teddy bear

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 11.

This scarab has two layers of meaning: the compass Arthur Harrow took from Steven to find the location of Ammit’s tomb, and souvenirs at the Museum of London, where Donna and Steven work. Besides, if we look closely, we will see the clock face in the hospital with the shape of Khonshu’s staff.

Layla’s cards are the same pictures Steven’s mother sent him in episode 1 – that’s if his mother really exists, not a product of imagination.

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 12.

Also, in this hospital segment, Layla still eats her favorite candy like in episode 3, as she waits for Lagaro to finalize her fake passport.

Red scarab icon

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 13.

One more detail “teasing” for the appearance of Scarlet Scarab (red scarab) in the last 2 episodes of Moon Knight.

Marc Spector’s leg is strapped to a wheelchair reminiscent of Steven Grant tying his own leg to the bed to avoid the mysterious sleepwalking in the first episode

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 14.

Even small details like the cakes in the hospital are easter eggs related to the car chase in episode 1 of Moon Knight.

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 15.

Dr. Harrow possesses too many details regarding Arthur Harrow

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 16.

Among them can be mentioned the picture of the village landscape that appeared in volume 1 hanging in his office; shoes filled with broken glass; and even the magic staff used to judge the sins of others.

Marc Spector’s 3rd Personality

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 17.

During his escape from the hospital, Marc rescued Steven from a strange coffin, and these two personalities can directly interact with each other. However, when they met the next coffin, they both ignored it instead of opening it and freeing the people inside. This detail is like an indirect confirmation of the existence of the third personality of Marc – Jake Lockley. And the fact that both Marc and Steven chose to ignore the coffin shows that both of them don’t know that there is still a personality inside their bodies.

Egyptian goddess of fertility Taweret

Interesting details in episode 4 Moon Knight: The whole series suddenly shrunk down to exactly the last 10 minutes of the episode - Photo 18.

The Moon Knight series actually teased Taweret’s appearance from the first episode, when Donna asked Steven to move a box of hippo stuffed animals, before he corrected him that it was a “Taweret stuffed animal.” “. It is possible that this god will play a key role in the upcoming episode, helping Marc and Steven escape from the fictional mental hospital.

According to ScreenRant cuoi-movie-20220422120345573.chn

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