This may be the reason why Apple has yet to launch a folding iPhone – LLODO

Folding screen smartphones are gradually becoming a well-received new trend, when traditional smartphones are becoming more and more boring. However, only Apple seems to still want to stand outside and watch, instead of releasing a folding screen iPhone that many of their fans have come to expect.

This may be the reason why Apple has not yet launched a folding screen iPhone - Photo 1.

Apple is not sure that demand for foldable smartphones is a sustainable trend

According to some leaked information, Apple is still quietly testing many folding screen iPhone models, but to be able to officially launch, it will take many more years. The reason Apple is still in no hurry to launch its folding iPhone, is probably because user demand for such devices may be temporary.

According to DylanDKT’s analysis, Apple may still be uncertain that demand for foldable smartphones is a sustainable trend. Maybe we are very excited about foldable smartphones because they are new, but can folding screen devices completely replace traditional smartphones?

On the other hand, Samsung has just published an article on its blog, claiming that the number of foldable smartphones shipped by the Korean giant has increased by 400% in the last year. And users are switching brands just to be able to own folding screen smartphones with innovative designs.

This may be the reason why Apple has not yet launched a folding screen iPhone - Photo 2.

“Just because we can do it doesn’t mean we should,” says the character Dr. Ian Malcolm in the movie Jurassic Park. This statement is quite true in Apple’s situation. Just because Apple doesn’t have the ability to design and manufacture folding iPhones on its own, Apple has the power to do it, but that doesn’t mean Apple should, at least for now.

Apple also registered many patents related to devices with folding screens. The most recent is a patent for the hinge part made of composite material, making it lighter and less bulky.

Apple also emphasizes that: “If not careful, the hinge structure can be cumbersome, weak, and easily damaged. This will make it difficult to use foldable devices with their own hinge structure.”

“Mr” Kuo still thinks that Apple will ship 15-20 million foldable iPhones in 2023

This may be the reason why Apple has not yet launched a folding screen iPhone - Photo 3.

In July, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo commented that Apple will probably ship 15-20 million foldable iPhones in 2023. Mr. Kuo believes Apple will use a folding screen design. similar to Samsung’s Galaxy Z Fold, and will not use the design of the Galaxy Z Flip. The screen of this device when unfolded will be 8 inches in size.

Maybe Apple wants to continue to experiment more, both in terms of folding screen technology and market needs, before officially participating. Mr. Kuo also believes that Apple will be able to lead the folding screen smartphone market when entering. For now, though, Samsung is dominating this particular segment.

Reference: phonearena


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