Top notch wordplay makes Bat and the audience confused – LLODO

Note: The article reveals the content of The Batman.

As promised by Warner Bros., The Batman will follow the direction of detective combined with action, tapping deeper into Bruce Wayne’s intellect and reasoning ability. With the main antagonist being Edward Nashton/The Riddler, who specializes in “hacking the bat’s brain” with difficult puzzles after each crime, The Batman has succeeded with its purpose, and more or less also made the audience fake must be confused.

Objectively, Riddler’s puzzles in The Batman are not too complicated and are also explained relatively clearly in the movie. However, because these quizzes play a lot of words and are heavily linguistic (English, Spanish), it may make the Vietnamese audience somewhat confused, especially after 3 hours. Immerse yourself in the gloomy, dreary Gotham.

Below is a detailed explanation of Riddler’s puzzles, as well as his plot to borrow Bruce Wayne’s hand to expose the true face of some Gotham officials and the decay of this city.

First riddle: What will a liar do after he dies? (What does a liar do when he’s dead?)

Explaining all of Riddler's puzzles in The Batman: Top notch wordplay makes the Bat and the audience confused - Photo 1.

The Riddler’s first victim was the mayor of Gotham, Don Mitchell, and the message he left for Batman was: “What does a liar do when he’s dead?” (What will a liar do after he dies). After observing the scene, the Bat guy gave the answer: “He Lies Still”. And this is Riddler’s first pun in this movie.

The verb “lie” in English when translated into Vietnamese can mean “to lie” or “to lie”. Meanwhile, “still” means “silent, quiet, still” or “still, continue”. So the answer Riddler is aiming for has two implications.

First, “He will lie still” – refers to the state of the dead, whoever it is while still alive, will be completely immobile after death. Second, “He continues to lie” – a metaphorical class referring to Mitchell’s repeated lying to cover up Gotham’s corruption over the years. Even after he’s dead, that corruption is still carried on by many other powerful characters, and Riddler won’t stop until all the truth is exposed.

Puzzle 2: Follow the maze until you find the mouse, bring it to the light, and you’ll find me (Follow the maze until you find the rat, bring him to the light, and you’ll find where I’m at)

Explaining all of Riddler's puzzles in The Batman: Top notch wordplay makes the Bat and the audience confused - Photo 2.

At the second crime scene, with the victim being police officer Pete Savage – whose face was eaten by a mouse, Bruce Wayne and Jim Gordon received the most important puzzle that could lead to the Riddler’s hideout. He asked the two of them to find the “rat”, which is actually an informant for the police and bring him to light (public disclosure).

Initially, Bruce misjudged and assumed that Penguin was the “rat” that Riddler was referring to, before correcting his deduction and turning his target to Carmine Falcone. As it turned out, Carmine was not only an informant, but also the mastermind behind the corruption of Gotham, the boss of many officials and leaders in the city.

After capturing Carmine, Batman did as Riddler said, bringing him to the “light”. But as soon as Carmine stood under the street light, Riddler shot him down from above, killing him on the spot, in the literal “light”. From there, the new police team discovered Riddler’s hiding place, just as he promised in his puzzle.

Puzzle 3: You are a mouse with wings (You are el Rata Alada)

Explaining all of Riddler's puzzles in The Batman: Top notch wordplay makes the Bat and the audience confused - Photo 3.

Not only playing with words, Riddler also knows how to code his puzzles ingenious to fool Batman. To help the Bat solve the second puzzle, he provided more clues via a message: “You are el Rata Alada”referring to the informer as a “winged rat”, also a “rat” that needs to be “brought to light”.

At first, Bruce and Jim assumed that “winged rat” here referred to Penguin, because penguin (penguin) is a winged animal, and his drug business makes him even more worthy. more doubtful. However, after being arrested, Penguin corrected Riddler’s riddle, because in Spanish, “rata alada” must use the article “la”, not “el”. That means Bruce and Jim got the wrong person.

The Batman understood that with a mind like Riddler, he could hardly make a mistake in making such a puzzle. Again, he had to change his way of thinking and look at the problem from a different perspective. Instead of trying to understand the meaning of the whole sentence “You are el Rata Alada” as a whole, Bruce splits it into two halves: “You are el” has the same pronunciation as URL (juː-är-el), which leads to the second half, “rataalada”, will be the address of a web page.

By this deduction, Bruce was able to contact Riddler over the Internet to continue receiving 1 more puzzle, after he realized he still could not connect the clues, had not seen the overall picture of 1 Gotham is rotten. An interesting point is that currently, you can still visit the website to solve the Riddler puzzles that Warner Bros. and DC Films prepared in advance.

4th + 5 + 6 puzzle

Explaining all of Riddler's puzzles in The Batman: Top notch wordplay makes the Bat and the audience confused - Photo 4.

Riddler’s next victim was District Attorney Gil Colson, who had a bomb strapped to his neck and forced to disturb Don Mitchell’s funeral. Gil Colson also reluctantly became a messenger for the Riddler to send Batman the next 3 puzzles.

The first is: “It can be cruel, poetic, or blind. But when it’s denied, it’s violence you may find” (Something can be cruel, poetic, or blind. But once rejected, only violence remains.) The answer here is “Justice”, because justice can be viewed from many different points of view (cruel, poetic, blind). But when justice is not done (denied) it leads to violence, implying that the major Gotham officials cover up their sins.

Second: “If you are Justice, please do not lie. What is the price for your blind eye?” (If it’s justice, please don’t lie. What’s the price for your blind eyes?). The answer here is “bribe” – bribe. If you want someone to keep a secret, the simplest and most effective way is to give that person a benefit, or more understandable, a bribe. In this case, the secret Riddler is aiming for is the identity of “the rat”, and Gil Colson and many other big characters have all received a large amount of money to “fake blind” and keep his identity secret. .

Tuesday: “Since your justice is so select, please tell us, which vermin you’re paid to protect?” (Since your justice is selective, please tell us, what kind of vermin are you paid to protect?). The answer, which connects directly to puzzles 2 and 3, is “The Rat” – the mouse. Gil Colson, like many other officials at Gotham, administers “justice” selectively, and only serves those who benefit them. This Riddler puzzle simply wanted Gil to reveal the name of “the rat”, but unexpectedly he was stubborn and would rather die than expose Carmine Falcon.

Quiz 7: “I grew from a seed, strong as a weed. But living in a mansion, a slum, I would never know where I came from. Know who I am?” (I grew up from a seed, as tough as a weed. But in a mansion, in a slum, I’ll never know where I come from. Do you know what I am?)

Explaining all of Riddler's puzzles in The Batman: Top notch wordplay makes the Bat and the audience confused - Photo 5.

The answer to this puzzle is “orphan” – orphan who doesn’t know “where he comes from”. Once again, Riddler installs a lot of important phrases to help Bruce Wayne find the answer and the next clue. The Batman inferred that the word “mansion, slum” (mansion, slum) refers to the Gotham orphanage, belonging to the old mansion of the Wayne family. However, this place was already badly damaged before Bruce’s parents were murdered, and then burned down, becoming a real slum.

Quiz 8: “See you in Hell”

Explaining all of Riddler's puzzles in The Batman: Top notch wordplay makes the Bat and the audience confused - Photo 6.

This puzzle is more of a threat than a clue, because it was sent with a bomb that nearly took Alfred’s life (which was originally intended for Bruce Wayne). Batman also failed to solve this puzzle, and was only clarified by Riddler when the two met in the Arkham Asylum.

At first, Riddler believed that his plan to expose his crimes would be enough to entice Batman to take his side, even imagining the two of them being sent to Arkham Asylum (hell) together. together. So, “See you in Hell” is more like an invitation, a threat to Batman, not a complicated puzzle.

Riddle 9: “The sins of my father …” (The sins of my father???)

Explaining all of Riddler's puzzles in The Batman: Top notch wordplay makes the Bat and the audience confused - Photo 7.

Because this puzzle was found at the Gotham orphanage, located in the old Wayne mansion, Bruce immediately deduced that Riddler’s next target was himself. He wants you to pay for what Thomas Wayne did. This also explains why Riddler sent a bomb to Bruce Wayne’s house, accidentally injuring Alfred. By the time Bruce realized and called to warn him, it was too late.

Riddle 9: “What is black and blue, yet immersed in death?” (What’s black and blue and dead all over?)

Explaining all of Riddler's puzzles in The Batman: The ultimate pun makes the Bat and the audience confused - Photo 8.

The answer to this puzzle is “You” – a reference to Batman, but all is clearly explained when Riddler reveals his plan to break the sea barrier surrounding Gotham to drown the city in the sea. At that time, Batman, already black because of his outfit, was tinged with a little blue because of the sea, and finally died before the mighty army that Riddler had prepared. . Of course, his plan was only partially successful, because Batman did not die as he thought, but on the contrary, became a hero to help people overcome the flood.

In addition, the words “black”, “blue” also refer to the always taciturn, sad state of Batman, a mysterious person, always silently fighting crime but not even the Gotham police. can be trusted.

Quiz 10: “Answer me, what is less valuable?” (Riddle me this: The less of them you have, the more one is worth?)

Explaining all of Riddler's puzzles in The Batman: The ultimate pun makes the Bat and the audience confused - Photo 9.

In the final scene, while in the Arkham Asylum, Riddler, who specializes in quizzes, gets a quiz for himself: “Answer me, what is less valuable? “. The answer he found was “a friend”, a reference to the puzzle maker wanting to work with Riddler in the future.

And based on the gesture, way of talking and especially the barbaric laughter of this guy, the audience has the right to believe that it is the Joker in DC’s new cinematic universe dedicated to Batman.

According to ScreenRant, CBR lu-nao-20220322115956747.chn

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