Which statement is probably TRUE according to information in the paragraph 1?


Which of the following statements is possible? correct according to the information in paragraph 1?

A. In 2017, older people made up a third of the total population, which raised concerns about health care, welfare and pensions for the elderly.

B. In the next 15-17 years, Vietnam’s economy will need a large workforce to integrate with the global economy.

C. In 2015, the two-child policy will be officially tightened and successful.

D. The government will encourage families with two children to offset the aging population over the next 20 years.


+ In 2017, more than 10 per cent of the population will be 60 and older, and in 15-20 years the elderly will account for one third of the total population. (In 2017, more than 10% of the population will be over 60 years old, and in 15-20 years the elderly will make up a third of the total population.)

→ A is wrong

+ When the government loosened the two-child policy in 2015 in a trial period, in the first 6 months of 2016 the third child birth rate increased significantly by 7.5 per cent. (When the government eased the two-child policy in 2015 during the trial period, in the first six months of 2016 the third child birth rate increased significantly to 7.5%.)

→ C is wrong

+ By ending the two-child policy the government expects to make up for the aging population within the next 20 years. (By ending the two-child policy, the government expects to offset the aging population over the next 20 years.)

→ D is wrong

+ In 2017, more than 10 per cent of the population will be 60 and older, and in 15-20 years the elderly will account for one third of the total population. This concerns about healthcare, welfare and pensions for the elderly at a time when Vietnam is focusing on economic integration and requires a large labor force. (In 2017, more than 10% of the population will be over 60 years old, and in 15-20 years the elderly will make up a third of the total population. This raises concerns about health care, well-being and health.) benefits and pensions for the elderly at a time when Vietnam is focusing on economic integration and requires a large workforce.)

→ B is correct

→ Choose the answer NO

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