Why did Zalo AI Challenge attract nearly 400 teams after only 24 hours of registration? – LLODO

Why did Zalo AI Challenge attract nearly 400 teams after only 24 hours of registration?  - Photo 1.

Not only focusing on application topics and making good use of Zalo’s rich data sources such as images, music, Vietnamese characters…, the Zalo AI Challenge exam also focuses on current and relevant factors. appropriate to the context and practical needs of society.

A few years ago, Zalo AI Challenge caused a fever when it was included in the topic of identifying and zoning the “illegal cow’s tongue line”. This year, the contest attracted attention with topics related to Covid prevention.

Why did Zalo AI Challenge attract nearly 400 teams after only 24 hours of registration?  - Photo 2.

“5K Compliance”, “Hum to song” and “Legal Text Retrieval” are 3 topics of Zalo AI Challenge 2021

“5K Compliance” – Determining whether the group of people in the photo adheres to the 5K rule is one of the three challenges in Zalo AI Challenge. During the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, the Government of Vietnam has promoted the public health safety message “5K”: Masks – Disinfection – Distance – Decentralization – Medical declaration. In which masks and distance are 2/5 factors that have been shown to be extremely successful in preventing the spread of the virus.

Up to the present time, the topic “5K Compliance” is being chosen by the most teams out of the three. Nguyen Thanh Son, 28 years old and currently an AI engineer in Ho Chi Minh City, said that you chose this topic because it is suitable for your computer vision major as well as for practical requirements in the context of the modern world. Translate.

“I find the topic “5K Compliance” very interesting, the data is incompletely labeled, contains a lot of noisy data, very similar to the properties of the real data sets. must apply many techniques and be knowledgeable about data processing to find a solution with good results”, Thanh Son shared.

Why did Zalo AI Challenge attract nearly 400 teams after only 24 hours of registration?  - Photo 3.

Zalo AI Challenge attracts many candidates because the exam questions are always of high practical application

Besides topical problems, other topics of Zalo AI Challenge 2021 are also appreciated for its interestingness and applicability. For example, “Hum to song” – the answer to this problem will be useful in cases where you can only remember the melody but can’t remember the lyrics and the name of the song. In this challenge, the team will create an algorithm to determine the name of the song through a humming or whistling passage.

“Legal Text Retrieval” – the answer to this problem will help many non-law professionals when having legal problems or even legal experts can quickly find references for their work their.

Participating in this challenge, the teams will be provided with a training set with about 2,000 questions in the legal field and a public test with about 500 questions to create a search model in the documents. laws and regulations related to the issue in question.

Why did Zalo AI Challenge attract nearly 400 teams after only 24 hours of registration?  - Photo 4.

Zalo AI Challenge 2021 expands participation opportunities for all young people with a passion for AI nationwide

Best friend Cao Cuong, the winner of Traffic Sign Recognition 2020 said that this year your Phoenix team will continue to participate in the competition. “Our team looked at the topics this year and found each topic has its own charm. The whole team is deciding between “Hum to song” and “Legal Text Retrieval.” I appreciate the extremely high applicability of the topic. The title “Legal Text Retrieval”, while the title “Hum to song” is very new, “Cuong shared.

Zalo AI Challenge 2021 is held online and expands participation opportunities for all young people with a passion for AI nationwide. Candidates can register for the exam individually or in groups using their Zalo account. The portal to register and receive the test officially opened from November 15 at the website: https://bit.ly/AI-Challenge-2021-Zalo.

Zalo AI Challenge is an annual contest organized by Zalo AI with the goal of encouraging research and application of artificial intelligence to life in Vietnam. This year, the contest returns with a total prize of up to 300 million VND and 120,000 USD Credits of Amazon Web Services.


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