Windows 11’s ‘black screen of death’ will change back to the familiar blue color – LLODO

Microsoft says it will change Windows 11’s Black Screen of Death to the familiar blue color. Earlier this year, the very famous Blue Screen of Death announcement was turned black by Microsoft at the launch of Windows 11, to match the new black login screen. This is the big change to the Blue Screen of Death notification, since Microsoft added the sad face icon in Windows 8.

Windows 11's 'black screen of death' will change back to the familiar blue color - Photo 1.

“We changed the screen color to blue when the device stopped working or an error occurred, just like with previous versions of Windows,” Microsoft said. This change will be applied in the upcoming Windows 11 update, which can be released on any day.

Microsoft first introduced the Blue Screen of Death in Windows 3.0, providing a way for IT professionals and technical staff to diagnose hardware and memory failures.

Windows 11's 'black screen of death' will change back to the familiar blue color - Photo 2.

It is not clear why Microsoft decided to change back to the familiar blue color, after changing it to black. But it may involve error reporting and technical support.

Because for a long time, the blue screen has become a familiar error and an easy way for users to report errors to technical staff. Understandably, when you now notice the black screen error of Windows 11, many people probably won’t know what it is. But when it comes to the green screen, everyone will know.

Reference: theverge


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