‘How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!’ Peter said to Mary

  • Question:

    “How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!” Peter said to Mary.

    Reference explanation:

    Correct answer: GET

    Knowledge: Special narrative


    Some special narrative structures:

    A. asked: ask

    B. complimented sb on sth: compliment someone about something

    C. said sth: say something

    D. promised to V: promise to do

    Exclamation sentence structure: How + adj + be + N! => praising the subject

    “The dress you just bought is beautiful!” Peter said to Mary.

    = B. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.

    A. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought the beautiful dress. => wrong in meaning

    C. Peter said thank you to Mary for her beautiful dress. => wrong in meaning

    D. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress. => wrong in meaning

    Select REMOVE


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