My father does a lot of exercise. Hes still very fat.

  • Question:

    My father does a lot of exercise. He’s still very fat.

    Reference explanation:

    Correct answer:

    “My dad exercises a lot, he’s still very fat.”

    ⇒ Although my father exercises a lot, he is still fat.

    Structure: Despite/ In spite of + N/the fact that + S + V,.. Although… but…

    Eg: Despite his illness, he still works overtime.

    ⇒ Despite the fact that he is ill,… ⇒ Although/ Even though/ Though he is ill,…

    A. wrong grammar

    B, D wrong meaning of the sentence:

    B. My father exercises a lot, so he is very fat.

    D. My father is very fat, but he still exercises a lot.


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